Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Anthony Braxton / Malachi Favors / Don Moye - Pavia 1984

Here's a short set featuring Anthony Braxton (I just ordered his Mosaic set, finally!) with Malachi Favors and Don Moye of the Art Ensemble of Chicago.

I did the usual bit of cleaning up, this was up on dime originally (thanks to the seeder!) - hope you'll enjoy it!

Anthony Braxton / Malachi Favors / Don Moye
Pavia (IT), Teatro Fraschini
May 7, 1984

Anthony Braxton - alto sax, flute
Malachi Favors - bass
Don Moye - drums

1. Drum solo > Impressions (Coltrane) 10:28
2. unknown (7:47)
3. unknown (2:51)

TT: 21:08

Sound: A-/B+
No lineage info

:: ubu edits:
deleted opening applause (was spliced w/gap)
added fade in at beginning of #1
deleted 2 second gaps at end of #1 and #2
deleted duplicated applause from end of #2 at beginning of #3
corrected marks

Additional lineage: FLAC > WAV > CoolEditPro > FLAC (8,asb,verify)

AUD (? not quite sure, might be FM) - quite nice quality
a short set by a very rare line-up


  1. FLAC (tagged) + info:


  2. Thanks, this looks great, haven't got a lot of Art Ensemble stuff but I love Braxtons music.

  3. what a stunning line-up! don't believe I've heard 'em together - once again, major thanks, ubu!!!

  4. I do have it on a cassette for many years. I hope this is a good quality (as usual).
