Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sam Rivers - NYC 1978

Here's the third and final show by Sam Rivers, this time from 1978, with Joe Daley, Dave Holland and Barry Altschul, quite possibly the finest band Rivers ever led!

Sam Rivers
New York City (USA), Public Theatre
March 30, 1978

Sam Rivers - tenor & soprano sax, flutes, piano
Joe Daley - tuba
Dave Holland - bass
Barry Altschul - drums

1. radio intro (0:59)
1. improvisation (65:24)
3. radio outro (0:53)

TT: 67:18

Sound: A-/B+
Lineage: WKCR-FM > cass > Peak > XXact > shn

Note from seeder:

The fade at the beginning is the way it was broadcast, same with the abrupt ending.

first of two (?) reels from that concert (from WKCR announcer on closing announcement)

:: ubu ::

Additional lineage:
SHN > WAV > FLAC (8,asb,verify)


  1. FLAC (tagged) + info:


  2. Thanks much, Ubu! This was a great band - and thank goodness we still have Mr. Rivers on the planet.

  3. This was a great band--only saw this lineup once but they were smokin'.
