Friday, June 20, 2008

Kahil El'Zabar / Lester Bowie / Malachi Favors - Saalfelden 1987 (AUD > FLAC)

Here's another show I grabbed from dime, quite some time ago. I edited it a couple of weeks back and thought this might find a bit of a bigger audience if I spread it in the blogosphere. I hope you'll enjoy it!

This is again in FLAC format, as will be a pair of other shows I already upped on rapidshare.


Kahil El'Zabar / Lester Bowie / Malachi Favors
Saalfelden (Austria), Jazzfestival
August 28, 1987

Kahil El'Zabar - percussion, voice
Lester Bowie - trumpet
Malachi Favors Maghostut - bass, percussion

1. (62:06) [splice @ 45:26.7]
2. (5:42) [encore]

TT: 67:48

Sound: A-
Source/Lineage: fm or sbd recording received in cd trade aeons ago > eac > flac

Edits to do:
- spliced #1 and #2, cut gap and a bit of duplication
- moved mark #1/#2 +1:51
- deleted a few gaps in the applause following #1
- deleted gap at end of #2, added fade-out

Note: main part of concert came in two parts (45:37) + (14:57) with some duplication and a gap (tape-flip?) in between


  1. DL links:

  2. Love this guy's stuff. A person whom I respect a great deal asked me of KE'z, "How many times can he go back to that well?" [speaking of the chanting, rhythmic singing that is his trademark]

    I replied, "As many times as it works."

  3. yes thanks so much for sharing this more widely.. and for bringing it to notice at insol.
    and of course all the other great things here, ive been enjoying the lester young sets fairly constantly over the past months.
    take care

  4. sotise, after the sad disappearance of Church #9 I consider insol the best place there is for free(ish) jazz - tons of rare stuff up there!
    I'm honoured that you enjoy my own blog, which I consider very modest by comparison.
