Pepl died much too early in 2005. Check out the nice photo gallery on Pirchner's website, dedicated to his late friend.
These were shared by a kind seeder over on dime, who's a big fan of Pepl. The music is indeed pretty good, and I urge you to check it out, even if you have never heard Pepl or Pirchner's name!
(I urge you even more as I'm consciously slowing down my posting tempo, hoping to allow people to get more of the music and actually find time to digest it, too!)

Pepl Pirchner JazzZwio
Harry Pepl - guitar
Werner Pirchner - vibes, marimba
[A] - Innsbruck (Austria) - 1977 [26:56]
1. Stage Intro (0:09)
2. unknown (5:23)
3. Big Paul der Fünfer (Pepl-Pirchner) 7:32
4. unknown (5:04)
5. unknown (8:44)
[B] - Wien (Austria), Jazzfrühling - 1980 (prob. at Sofiensäle) [32:14]
6. Gegenwind (6:50)
7. Der Tag, an dem wir erfuhren, dass Paul Desmond gestorben war (Pepl-Pirchner)
[aka Big Paul der Fünfer (Remember Desmond)] (12:23)
8. Drein sein, beinander bleib'n (trad./Pirchner) 6:03
9. Wirf an (Pirchner) 6:54 [inc]
[C] - Wien (Austria), ORF Studio 2 - October 26, 1980 [15:42]
1. Stage Intro (1:09)
2. Rot Grau-Rot (Pepl-Pirchner) 5:07 >
3. Big Paul der Fünfer (Remember Desmond) (Pepl-Pirchner) 9:24
[D] - Wien (Austria), Jazzspelunke - March 23, 1983 [41:30]
with: Marc Johnson - bass; Joris Dudli - drums
4. Hos'nt Raga (Pirchner) 15:14
5. The Carter (Pirchner) 13:00 [dropout @ 7:37, from tape-flip, 5 sec missing]
6. Das Auge des Maulwurfs (Pepl) 13:16
TT: 116:22
Sound: ranging between A/A- and A-/B+
[A] private audience recording (tape from Harry Pepl)
[B-D] radio broadcasts
Lineage: AUD/FM > dime > WAV > Cool Edit Pro > FLAC (8,asb,verify)
:: ubu note ::
fixe marks
separated tracks
deleted fm talk
deleted 2-second gaps
added fades
Note: session B came as from 1983-03-23 (as session D) but the announcer clearly states that the recording comes from "Wiener Jazzfrühling 1980". Location was given as "Sophiensäle", but the announcer mentioned neither that nor an exact date.
Two more shorter shows by the "Austria Drei" with Adelhard Roidinger and guest drummers from 1978 and 1981 will follow - this makes for a nice little 3CD set!
FLAC (tagged) + info:
Great stuff! Thanks a lot for posting this.In particular I like the 83 recording with bass and drums in addition.
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