Having just changed the colours a bit, here's a bit of a change of style, for one short minute... One Hot Minute... ha, the days I still listened to stuff like the Red Hot Chili Peppers... but Janis Joplin, she stood up there all the time. I still love playing here stuff now and then, and have found some nice live recordings, too.
This one here, though, this is da shit, as they say - Janis singing "Summertime", with the Kozmic Blues band... dig!

Janis Joplin
Stockholm (Sweden), Gröna Lund
from: http://www.officialjanis.com/dates_1969.html
April 1, 1969 - Kozmic Blues - taping of television show in Stockholm
band from the album (I Got Dem Ol' Kozmic Blues Again Mama)
Sam Andrew, guitar
Richard Kermode, organ
Gabriel Mekler, organ
Brad Campbell, bass
Maury Baker, drums
Lonnie Castille, drums
Cornelius "Snooky" Flowers, baritone sax
Terry Clements, tenor Sax
Luis Gasca, trumpet
Sam and Snooky, background vocals
AVI from Swedish TV
W: 400 pixels
H: 308 pixels
80Kbps MPEG Layer-3
25fps frame rate
166kbps data rate
It was originally posted as an AVI, this is an unmodified file. Many thanks to the original poster!!
Received from another tracker.
A DoinkerTape

AVI + info (not as much as info as posted on the blog, though, sorry):
for me, best female singer of all times! Thx alot for the upload
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