Two short extracts from rare albums that I've never seen - the India one is out there in the blogosphere, and if you ask politely, I may even have some live material... "Zodiac" seems to be among the very rarest of Barney Wilen albums though.
Barney Wilen - vinyl tracks
from "Jazz Meets India" (2:44)
Jazz Meets India : Barney Wilen (ts) Manfred Schoof (tp, cor) Irene Schweitzer (p) Uli Trepte (b) Mani Neumaier (d) Diwan Montihar (sitar,vo) Keshav Sathe (tabla) Kusum Thakur (tamboura)
Villingen, Germany, December 23, 1967, Saba/MPS SB-1514ST
1. unknown
from "Zodiac"
Barney Wilen (ts) Raymond Court (t) Carl Heinz Berger (p-1, vib-2) Jean Francois Jenny Clark (b) Jacques Thollot (d)
2. Cancer (B. Wilen) (2) (JT out) > Gemeaux (B. Wilen) (2)
Barney Wilen - Zodiac - Vogue, Paris, January 19 & 20, 1966,
Sehr seltene und gesuchte Platte des Saxophonisten Barney Wilen, der 1959 durch Miles Davis Musik zum Film "Fahrstuhl zum Schaffot" / "L´ascenseur du l´echafaud" / "Lift to the Scaffold" berühmt wurde. Diese 1966 eingespielten Aufnahmen mit Carl Heinz Berger, J.-F. Jenny Clark und Jacques Thollot erschienen nur auf dem französischen Label Vogue CLVLX 9130.
Source #1: France Musique "Le jazz probablement" / 2006-05-22
Source #2: France Musiques "Jazz à contre-courant" / 2006-06-04
[Special show titled "Hommage au saxofoniste Barney Wilen"]
Lineage: FM > minidisc > analogue to HD > GoldWave > FLAC (8,asb,verify)

vinyl > radio > flac (tagged + info)
hi, how can I listen to the tracks ?
thanks !
My comment got deleted (but not by me)! Very weird!
Here it is again:
vinyl > radio > flac (tagged + info)
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