I just put up a new seed on dime (as usual you've got to log-in/register to be able to view this link), this time a free improvisation affair, namely a set by the Quartet "Qwat Neum Sixx" recorded at the Festival Musique Action at Vandeouvre les Nancy in France earlier in May.
This quartet consists of the great French sax player Daunik Lazro - check out, for instance, the two discs he's involved with on Potlatch: "Madly You" and "Hauts Plateaux", both with Carlos Zingaro, the first one also with Joëlle Léandre and Paul Lovens -, pianist Sophie Agnel, violinist Michaël Nick, and Jérôme Noetinger on electronics.
Here's the full programme of the 2007 edition of the Festival Musique Action.
Qwat Neum Sixx
Festival Musique Action
Vandoeuvre les Nancy (FR), Salle des Fêtes
May 18, 2007
Daunik Lazro - saxophones
Sophie Agnel - piano
Michaël Nick - violin
Jérôme Noetinger - electronics
1. FM intro (3:46)
2. Improvisation (39:49)
3. FM talk (3:03)
4. Improvistaion (10:13)
5. FM outro (1:17)
TT: 58:10
Sound: A
Source: France Musique "A l'improviste" (Anne Montaron) / 2007-05-30
Lineage: FM > HD > Cool Edit Pro > FLAC (8,asb,verify)
Recorded & seeded by ubu
blurb from radiofrance.fr site:
Réunis pour la première fois à l'occasion du festival Muzzix (Lille-07), les membres de "Qwat Neum Sixx" se connaissent pour avoir collaboré indépendamment les uns avec les autres à de nombreuses reprises.
Depuis plusieurs dizaines d'années, Daunik Lazro promène son énergie aux limites des possibilités de son instrument. Saxophoniste en constant renouvellement, il propose ici ce projet inouï, composé de la pianiste-exploratrice Sophie Agnel (partenaire par ailleurs de Phil Minton, Paul Lovens, Bruno Chevillon...), de l'electro-acousticien, activiste de la scène improvisée Jérôme Noetinger (Les 120 jours, Le Cube, Metamkine...) et de Michael Nick, violoniste officiant ausi bien dans le jazz, la musique improvisée que la musique contemporaine (Quatuor Aérolithe)
(source: http://www.radiofrance.fr/francemusique/em/improviste_concerts/emission.php?e_id=30000030)
I apologize for the inconvenience of these double-postings, but the first post went wrong somehow (the text wouldn't fit into the field it ought to be in but rather continued on the right side, being cut off in the middle - no idea what went wrong).
Next up: an exclusive bit from the Nouveaux Monstres, and later some bits of chubby Mildred singing!
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