Here's one more for the great drummers series of shares, a show that features the great Emmanuel Bex on organ, two of the finest Italian horn players, Flavio Boltro (myspace, wiki) and Pietro Tonolo (bio @ AAJ), as well as the magnificient Joe Chambers (myspace, wiki) on drums!
Chambers is a very talented, and very much under-appreciated character in jazz, both as a drummer and as a composer (check out another Bobby Hutcherson album, "Patterns", for example)
Thanks a lot to survivor69 who shared this on dime last August!
Photo credits: Pietro Tonolo and Joe Chambers (in trio with bassist Essiet Okun Essiet), "Fiemme Ski Jazz", Sala Polifunzionale, Castello di Fiemme (TN, Italy), March 15, 2006 - photos by Luciano Rossetti - more photos @ AAJ Italia.

Pietro Tonolo - Joe Chambers Band
Umbria Jazz 2008
Perugia (Italy), Teatro Pavone
July 19, 2008 (saturday, 12:00)
Flavio Boltro - trumpet
Pietro Tonolo - tenor saxophone
Emmanuel Bex - hammond b3 organ
Joe Chambers - drums & vibraphone
1. First Mile (Flavio Boltro) 3:57 >
2. Dance Line (Herbie Nichols) > Ann PT (11:34)
3. Ozio (Pietro Tonolo) > Ann PT (6:20)
4. Matière Noire (Pietro Tonolo) 9:17
5. Never Let Me Go (8:17) [JC-vib/EB-org duo]
6. Two Way Poke Away (Joe Chambers) > Ann PT (13:01) [JC-vib & d]
7. Sienna's Song (Giovanni Mirabassi) 8:21
8. Sous Le Vent (Emmanuel Bex) 10:17
TT: 71:04
Sound: A
Source: FM radio broadcast by "Il Cartellone - Radio3 Suite Jazz", Radio3 RAI, on wednesday 13 August 2008, 22.35 hours. And this should be one of the very few recordings from Umbria Jazz 2008 that does NOT have any broadcast skips!
Lineage: ITT HiFi4060 Tuner > Audacity 1.3.5 Beta via C-Media CMI8738/C3DX soundcard > 16bit/44.1kHz wav > flac (level 8, via TLH 2.2.2 build 152) > dimeadozen.org
FLAC (tagged, I think - apolgies if not!) + info:
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