Thanks go out to those who shared this stuff in 2005 and to prof. goody who fixed the Hamburg 1969-08 files and brought them back in the loop!
These are all FLAC files, except for some minor editing in the Stockholm set mentioned, it's the files I got, back in the day (and put onto back-up DVDs, from where I grabbed them again).
Bobby Hutcherson/Harold Land Quintet
Juan-les-Pins Festival, Antibes (France)
July 26, 1969
Bobby Hutcherson - vibes
Harold Land - tenor sax
Stanley Cowell - piano
Reggie Johnson - bass
Joe Chambers - drums
1. Same Shame (Hutcherson) 14:14
2. The Peace-Maker (Land) 13:57
3. Spiral (Chambers) 15:21
4. Blues Mind Matter (Hutcherson) 16:29
TT: 60:02
Lineage (EZT/Dime): ??? > my CD-R copy > EAC > mkwACT > you [SHN]
ubu (2014-04-03): SHN > TLH > FLAC (8,asb)
Seeder's comment (from EZT, 2005):
Another amazing show from this group, this one just recently resurfaced. I posted the 7/28 show a few weeks ago and there was such good response I had to put this one up too. Just got this and have only listened to it a couple of times myself. Thought it was recorded from a radio broadcast but now I'm wondering if it's a soundboard. The quality is certainly an A and it's entirely possible that they could have recorded this intending to release it. Lord knows there were several Hutcherson albums from this period that weren't released until the 80s. Who knows? Anyway, it's an incredible show, check it out.
Bobby Hutcherson-Harold Land Quintet
Stockholm (Sweden)
July 28, 1969
Harold Land - tenor sax
Bobby Hutcherson - vibes
Stanley Cowell - piano
Reggie Johnson - bass
Joe Chambers - drums
[FM intro (0:11)]
1. Total Eclipse (21:06)
2. Theme from "Blow Up" (17:11)
3. The Peacemaker (13:25)
4. Man on Mercury (7:02)
TT: 58:29
Sound: A-/B+
Source: FM (came as SBD)
Lineage unknown
Additional Lineage #1 & FM Intro: FLAC > WAV > CoolEditPro > FLAC (8,asb,verify)
Edit: separated fm intro from #1 (11sec)
Note on this seed:
this show was erroneously seeded as 07-26 Antibes (FR), but it seems to be identical with the show usually given as 07-28 Stockholm.
date/location were given as:
Juan-les-Pins, Antibes (FR), July 26, 1969
setlist was given as:
1. Same Shame (or Total Eclipse?) (21:06)
2. The Peacemaker (17:11)
3. Spiral (13:25)
4. Blues Mind Matter (7:02)
Bobby Hutcherson/Harold Land Quintet
Hamburg (Germany)
August 1969
Harold Land - tenor sax
Bobby Hutcherson - vibraphone
Stanley Cowell - piano
Reggie Johnson - bass
Joe Chambers - drums
3. Same Shame > Blow Up (Hutcherson) 35:58
4. Oleo (Rollins) 7:17 [inc]
TT: 65:53
Sound: A/A-
Source (#3-4, maybe also #1-2): NDR broadcast
Lineage: FM > ? > CD-R > EAC > Goldwave > FLAC
goody: dBpowerAMP (FLAC-WAV) > Cool Edit Pro (Pitch Bender -80) > TLH (FLAC, sigs)
Pitch of the '69 set tracks were approximately 80 cents sharp. Fixed and reFLACed with TLH by goody - 10/26/05
-- omitted (see older version) --
Harold Land - tenor sax
Bobby Hutcherson - vibes
Hal Galper - piano
Reggie Johnson - bass
Joe Chambers - drums
May 29, 1970
1. Four (Rollins) 11:58
2. Oleo (Rollins) 10:39 [inc]
(these two sets were initially shared on EZT/Dime together, the 1970 were okay as far as speed was concerned)
Bobby Hutcherson/Harold Land Quintet
Hamburg (Germany)
May 29, 1970
Harold Land - tenor sax
Bobby Hutcherson - vibraphone
Hal Galper - piano
Reggie Johnson - bass
Joe Chambers - drums
1. Four (Rollins) 11:58
2. Oleo (Rollins) 10:39 [inc]
TT: 22:38
Sound: A/A-
Source (#3-4, maybe also #1-2): NDR broadcast
Lineage: FM > ? > CD-R > EAC > Goldwave > FLAC
ubu (2014-04-03): EAC (secure) > FLAC (8)
NOTE: omitted Aug 1969 - see speed-fix!
original info for that part:
August 1969
3. Same Shame > Blow Up (Hutcherson) 35:58
4. Oleo (Rollins) 7:17 [inc]

Antibes 1969:
Stockholm 1970:
Hamburg 1969:
Hamburg 1970:
Note: a different set from Antibes/Juan-les-Pins was released on a bootleg by JMY - this is not included here.
Thank you very much for these, Ubu! I have the JMY but never saw these.
Yup, the JMY seems to fairly wide-spread, so I didn't bother looking for my copy ...
Many thanks King Ubu, how wonderful to have the Hutcherson-Land lossless.
I picked up mp3s of these on usenet back in 2007 and have always
wondered why they were never issued on CD.
I find Land's playing on these astonishing, as he attempts to come to
grips with Coltrane, the lengthy solos exposing the process of change.
In some ways the all pervasive post-Coltrane influence is sad, Land
was a great individualist in the late 50s.
Is it just me or do all of today's tenor saxophonists sound the same?
In 1959 there was no way one could confuse; Trane, Rollins, Getz,
Webster, Hawkins, Dexter for example.
Thanks Ubu. Long time no chat (Tom in RI from Organissimo).
thank you for all this excellent live music by hutcherson & land, ubu!
Hi Tom, good to see you here!
Enjoy the music!
Thanks Ubu! Just on the first one so far, and it's beautiful :)
A magnificent collection Thanks, Ubu.
I'm afraid I freaked up a bit on the info here and there (evidently, the timings of the Hamburg 1969 tracks pre and post speed correction differ) ... but glad to see so much interest in this fine music!
Many thanks ubu! Hutcherson-Land collaboration was unbeatable, imo.
grumps you make a very interesting point. Regards the all-pervasive Coltrane sound/approach from the mid 60's it is utterly valid in my book. Look at Hank Mobley and his mid to late 60's work and even a player of the greatness of Sonny Rollins was pulled into this (in many respects idiotic) debate..Who can forget that classic comment to his sidemen on 'East Broadway Rundown'?? 'I don't want any of that Coltrane shit on my date!!'..The popularity of modal Coltrane (musn't forget how popular and influential the best seller 'A Love Supreme' was on the then up coming Rock revolution) was hard to resist when most other avenues of jazz were being commercially obliterated by the success of The Beatles etc..In the 50's mainstream jazz was the popular music for the most part..By the mid 60's this was not the case..Regards this present group I always found it kind of ironic that Land reported a lot of European jazz lovers on this tour in the late sixties waxing on bout how much they loved 'The Fox' from 1959..Jeeze they must have left a lot of these venues feeling kind of shoret changed...Land was a long way from 'The Fox' when he played with B Hutcherson..Still these remain for me some of the finest work either man laid down..Thanks for the mega post ubu..
Thanks a lot for these interesting comments! I pulled this stuff up for a friend, still have to revisit it myself ...
I guess all things considered, I love Land most on the recordings with Brown/Roach (always thought - and still do - he outshined Rollins in that group) ... but I love all those Hutcherson/Land recordings a lot, too ... still remember how excited I was when, still a teenager, I got that Connoisseur disc into my fingers, "Medina". Wasn't too easy to find much more back then, got "In San Francisco" but didn't *get* it back then (I was kinda purist about electric instruments, funnily though in spite of late Miles being one of my entry points and "Amandla" a constant love affair).
Anyway, stumbling over this stuff half a dozen or more years later was one of the great pleasures of having become part of these circles (I did plenty of physical CD-R trading back then, too ... some dues actually still owes me a 50CDR package, but I never found the time to look through his list - this was like, eight or nine years ago?).
Many thanks for all these crunchy bits. Can't wait to dig in. Will be a magnificent evening or two.
That's what they call a supergroup! A perfect match between superlative musicians with ears wide open. & what a beautiful stuff! Great to get those tracks collected. That's the sort of candies that make your place so special.
Many many thks for your shares
These are wonderful sets, ubu. I have at least some of these as mp3s so it's great to have them as lossless. Many, many thanks.
I can't say how much I appreciate being able to hear these brilliant sets.
Thanks! And all the best from over here!
Thanks for these ubu. I was missing the Hamburg parts. A friend was just asking about this group (I think he mentions them just about everytime we get into a discussion of music at any length). This will make it easy to burn him a near full set to go with all the albums he bought. I'm not sure I actually have the JMY set though. - Bomb
Fantastic! I got these years ago on mp3 and have treasured them since -- what a pleasure to upgrade to lossless! Thank you so much for sharing these.
part of Stockholm link does not working ...
How 'bout leaving a note of thanks for what DOES work?
I hope Sendspace can fix their problem (you did read it's not me who is to blame, right?), if not I can re-upload later.
Stockholm part2
still does not working ...
With the recent great loss of Bobby Hutcherson, would it be possible to repost these? Thanks so much!!!!
re-up here:
Wonderful. Thanks so much. I consider Bobby to be the king on vibes. Le roi est mort... vive le roi! thank god for recordings.
Good day
Could you re-upload the files ?
Sorry,my SSD crashed and the downloaded data had losted.
Rally sorry.
Then only Stockholm sessions No.2 track ( Blow Up) couldn't
open also.
Best regards.
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