Emil Viklicky Trio: Uhlir, Tropp, Viklicky (l. to r.)
Here's a very special concert by czech pianist Emil Viklicky's trio with two swiss guests, Daniel Pezzotti on cello and Franco Ambrosetti on trumpet. The concert took place as the one jazz even during the Bohuslav Martinu music festival in Basel in November and the first set was broadcast on swiss radio DRS 2.
Viklicky is probably unknown in the US and also remains little-known around here, but Franco Ambrosetti should be a bit better known. He's one of most important contemporary jazz musicians (hey, not "adult contemporary" or how that crap is named in the US!) of Switzerland, kind of an elder statesman by now, who has played with just about everyone and has a lot of disc availabe, some of them on the great Enja label. He was also subject of some previous seeds of mine (one as a leader only, I think).
Daniel Pezzotti has also worked with Thierry Lang's project dedicated to Swiss folk music (their Cully 2007 was subject of a seed of mine).
Anyway, this isn't really a third stream thing or some such, rather a very successful integration of different strains of music into one organic and very beautiful project. I was aware of Viklicki (the only other show I have is mostly commercially released, alas), but this still caught me totally off-guard - a stunning recording, in my humble opinion!
Check out the samples or just give something new a chance!
Emil Viklicky Trio featuring Daniel Pezzotti, special guest: Franco Ambrosetti
"Round about Martinu"
Internationale Musikfesttage B. Martinu
Basel (Switzerland), Musée Tinguely
November 14, 2007 (Set 1)
Emil Viklicky - piano & arrangements
František Uhlír - bass
Laco Tropp - drums
Franco Ambrosetti - trumpet
Daniel Pezzotti - violoncello
FM intro (1:50)
1. Moravian Girl (Bohuslav Martinu) 12:52
2. Band Intros & Announcement Pezzotti (1:56)
3. Highlands, Lowlands (Emil Viklicky) 14:43
4. Announcement Pezzotti (0:24)
5. unknown (Bohuslav Martinu) 15:14
6. Announcement Pezzotti (0:22)
7. Blame It On My Youth (Levant-Heyman) 12:02
FM outro (0:23)
TT: 59:51
Sound: A
Source: DRS 2 "Jazz Live" / 2008-01-11
Recording engineer: Martin Pearson
Lineage: FM > HD > WAV > FLAC (8,asb,verify)
Recorded, edited & shared by ubu