Her carols have also been released officially on ECM - here's a review by John Fordham in the Guardian. I have the disc on order, can't say anything about it yet.
This of course comes a day after the disgraceful win of the right wingnuts and their fear mongery. I don't care that much for x-mas (and Christianity in general - they had a hard struggle to fit themselves to the enlightenment, but I guess after all if they wouldn't have tried, on the long term, enlightenment rather than christianity would have gone under, so thanks for that...), but this year seems particularly bad. The whole commercial crap has already began two weeks ago, ugly lights all over the city, and yesterday they had their Santa parade through Bahnhofstrasse, with a marching band tearing through "Jingle Bells" and lots of kiddies with light sabers and other crap... yuk yuk yuk!
I had to pass them on my way to catch "From Russia With Love" on the big screen once again, one of my favourite Bonds. And yes indeed, it's nice to catch some lightweight films after the heavy stuff by Miklos Jancso that I've seen recently!
Anyway, so we all love x-mas and x-mas loves us and we love each other etc - for that occasion, here's some nice music for y'all...

Carla Bley Plays Christmas Carols
Berlin (Germany), Passionskirche
December 4, 2008 (MP2)
Carla Bley - piano, arrangements, leader
Steve Swallow - bass
Tobias Weidinger - trumpet, Glockenspiel
Axel Schlosser - trumpet
Christine Chapman - french horn
Adrian Mears - trombone
Ed Partyka - bass trombone, tuba
1. O Tannenbaum (2:23)
2. Silent Night And Day (8:35)
3. Jingle Bells (3:22)
4. The Christmas Song (5:25)
5. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town (5:35)
6. O Holy Night - Joy To The World (8:29)
7. God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen (9:46)
8. O Come To Bethlehem, All Ye Faithful (5:53)
TT: 49:28
Sound: A
Source: DVB-S@320, 48kHz > raw data > ProjextX > mp3DirectCut > mp2
(lossy recording seeded in its original broadcast codec)